Low-Maintenance Ferns to Liven Up Your Garden.

Ferns are ideal to create an instant tropical feeling to your garden and smaller type ferns are excellent companions in a shaded garden, where they offer a texture change when planted with other perennials such as hostas, impatience or plectrantus. Their hardiness varies by species, but overall, ferns make tough yet beautiful additions to just about any shade garden. At Landosol Nursery we have a large selection of ferns in stock.

Dryopteris erythrosora, sometimes called the autumn fern because of the golden/copper colour of its young leaves. A bold and beautiful choice for shady borders and woodland gardens. A stunning dwarf fern with a slowly non-invasive spreading habit. One of the few ferns that will provide nectar and pollen for bees and the many other types of pollinating insects.

Pteris umbrosa (Jungle break Fern) is a semi-hardy evergreen fern from Australia. It prefers partial shade and moist conditions that replicating it’s tropical origins, and will love being in a sheltered shaded spot. Perfect for being grown as houseplant, it’s thin strappy leaves are an attractive addition to an indoor jungle.

Athyrium niponicum (Japanese painted fern) is a lot different from the plain green ferns that many gardeners are most familiar with. True to its name, Japanese painted fern is more colorful, offering triangular, silvery leaves (called "fronds," technically) that sport an arching habit. As if that were not exciting enough, they also have grayish-green in them, as well as purplish midribs, making them variegated ferns.

Arachniodes simplicior 'Variegata', sometimes called Japanese fern Arachniodes simplicior 'Variegata' is a fabulous evergreen fern, bearing hard, glossy fronds with a distinctive yellow stripe down the middle. It's perfect for growing in a woodland or shady border, and associates well with other ferns and shade-loving perennials.

Blechnum Brasiliense, or Brazilian Dwarf Tree Fern, is upright evergreen fern that displays finely textured, arching fronds. New fronds emerge reddish-bronze. Forms a small trunk with age.

Blechnum Silver Lady. Another neat and attractive dwarf tree fern with lush foliage. Finely divided emerald green leaves, rest on long arching fronds, emerging from a short black trunk in a symmetrical rosette pattern.

Dicksonia antarctica, the wooly tree fern or man fern, is an attractive slow growing evergreen tree fern with a life span of up to 400 years. In the garden this valuable species can also be used as a host for epiphyte ferns and orchids and will provide shelter for more delicate fern species to flourish underneath.

Cyathea australis, or Australian Tree Fern, is
As beautiful as our own indigenous Cyathea dregei, this species grows both faster and taller than the C. Dregei. The Australian tree fern is single-stemmed, with a tall trunk and an umbrella-like crown of large fronds covered in prickly hairs.

Cyathea dregei, is one of 2 tree fern species indigenous in South Africa and locally known as the common tree fern. The plant has a thick black trunk with large, bright green fronds.

Cyrtomium falcatum, commonly called a holly fern, is another native to southern Africa. The fronds of this fern resemble holly branches. This is an evergreen fern that typically grows in a dense, vase-shaped clump up to 60cm tall. An An excellent fern for contrasting foliage. Tolerant of sun or shade.

Cyathea brownii, commonly known as the Norfolk tree fern, is probably the largest fern species in the world, reaching up to 20 metres or more in height. The broad, lance shaped, bipinnate-pinnatifid to tripinnate fronds can reach 5 metres in length, making it a great alternative to palm trees for creating dappled shade. This is a fast growing tree.

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