Philodendron Rojo Congo Large

Philodendron Rojo Congo Large


Philodendron Rojo Congo

Please be aware that due to the weight and size of these plants, courier services may incur extra charges.

Picture(s) shown is only a representation of a mature plant and not the actual plant. Small juvenile plants often look different from a grown specimen.

3 in stock


Philodendron Rojo Congo is a self-heading Philodendron that will stay relatively compact. The Rojo Congo is a cross between the beloved Imperial Red and Tatei. Like many variants of the classic Philodendron houseplant, new growth appears as a striking accent, and the Rojo Congo sports a striking red stem with a burnt orange/green gradient on new growth as it hardens.

Growth Spread 45 cm - 60cm.
Growth Height 90 cm - 1.2 meters.
See the source imageWater Requirements Moderate.
Frost Sensitive Yes - Best kept a temperature between 18°C and 30°C
Flowering Period Not grown for flowers. 
Light Requirements Bright indirect light to light shade.
Soil Requirements Well drained barky, compost rich soil.

Additional information


Small (9cm), Medium (15/17cm), Large (19/23cm)

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