Philodendron Erubescens Imperial green


Philodendron Erubescens Imperial green

(Slow to moderate growing)

PLU 3093

Picture(s) shown is only a representation of a mature plant and not the actual plant. Small juvenile plants often look different from a grown specimen.


Philodendron Imperial Green is a self-heading Philodendron that will stay relatively compact. The large, glossy, green leaves that fan out from a central stem are impressive in size but relatively few in number. It is a compact and sophisticated plant that can reach about 0.9 meters tall indoors.

Growth Spread 45 cm.
Growth Height 90 cm.
See the source imageWater Requirements Moderate.
Frost Sensitive Yes - Best kept a temperature between 18°C and 30°C
Flowering Period Not grown for flowers. 
Light Requirements Bright indirect light to light shade.
Soil Requirements Well drained barky, compost rich soil.
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