Aglaonema Pink Beauty

Aglaonema Pink Beauty

(Moderate growing)

PLU 3200

Picture(s) shown is only a representation of a mature plant and not the actual plant. Small juvenile plants often look different from a grown specimen.

5 in stock


Aglaonema Pink Beauty is a type of Chinese evergreen plant that has spectacular bright colored foliage with pink and green tones. It is an easy to grow houseplant that can tolerate low light and drought conditions. It is a great decorative plant to add to your home or office, as it can brighten up any space with its stunning leaves. It is also an air purifying plants to help remove common house toxins such as formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, and nitrogen oxides found in everyday cleaners from the indoor air.

Growth Spread 30cm
Growth Height 60 cm
See the source imageWater Requirements Water when dry - drought tolerant. 
Frost Sensitive yes
Flowering Period Not grown for flowers.
Light Requirements Full sun to Shade 
 Soil Requirements Well-drained compost rich soil.

Additional information


Small, Medium, Large

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