Bird’s nest crispy wave fern



Bird’s Nest Fern or Crispy Wave Fern is a popular houseplant with beautifully bright green ribbon-shaped, ruffled leaves – which give it the common name ‘Crispy Wave’. All the fronds radiate from the center of the plant, creating the appearance of a nest. This easy to care for fern likes humidity, but doesn't mind drying out a bit, which makes it perfect for beginners. Bird’s Nest Fern is one of the top air purifying plants.

Growth Spread 60 cm
Growth Height 60 cm
See the source imageWater Requirements Keep moist, but avoid over-watering. Only water when the top 2.5 cm of the soil is dry, mist regularly.
Frost Sensitive Yes
Flowering Period Not grown for flowers.
Light RequirementsB right indirect light, tolerates low light.
Soil Requirements Well drained compost rich soil.

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Small (9cm), Medium (15/17cm), Large (19/23cm)

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