By - landosol

Understanding fertilisers:

Understanding fertilisers: Often I have been asked what is the best fertiliser to use. Unfortunate there is no easy answer to this, as the only way to select a fertiliser and grade that is right for you, is to have your soil tested. If you are like me, then you will simply grab something from the shelf that you think
By - landosol

How to grow and take care of your Petrea Volubilis (Sandpaper vine).

Petrea Volubilis (Sandpaper vine). This exotic tropical vine belongs to the family of VERBENACEAE and its real name is Petrea Volubilis. It is commonly known as a Sandpaper Vine, but also sometimes called Purple wreath or Queen’s wreath. The leaves of this plant produce a rough, crinkly sound when scratched. Also, the upper surface of the leaves is rough, dry,
By - landosol

Tips For Pruning Hibiscus

Hibiscus plants thrive on attention. Pruning hibiscus is a great way to give these plants just what they need. Pruning helps stimulate budding on new shoots. It also rejuvenates the plants after their long winter nap while encouraging them to maintain an attractive appearance and healthy, vigorous growth. Let’s look at when to prune hibiscus and the best techniques when
By - landosol

Grow Better and Healthy Roses

There are two very important factors when planting roses to make sure you give them the best chance to thrive – firstly, make sure your roses are in the right growing conditions and secondly, plant them properly. Once you’ve got that right you will have a very good chance to be rewarded with beautiful blooms and healthy plants. With a
By - landosol

Biogrow Chemicals

Environmentally friendly organic growing is an integrated approach to plant care based on the principle that a healthy environment creates healthy plants. SPRAY TODAY… EAT TOMORROW How to choose the right product: Preventative:BIONEEM  - For low insect infestation. Remedial:PYROL - for high insect infestation.                          NEUDOSAN - Signs of soft bodied insect activity.
By - landosol


  On the South Coast of KwaZulu-Natal, we can start to prune our roses from mid July until mid August. The main reason for pruning roses annualy is to encourage new growth where the rose buds will develop for the new season, the removal of the old or dead wood, as well as weak or twiggy stems. After all the aim
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